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In Vivo Evaluation of Customized Pulse Oximeter and Sensitivity Pulp Tests for Assessment Of Pulp Vitality

  • Divya S Sharma1,*,
  • Shikha Mishra1
  • Naveen Reddy Banda2
  • Sneha Vaswani1

1Dept. of Pediatric and Preventive dentisty Modern dental college and research centre, Indore, India

2Dentistry Program, IBN Sina National College, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.1.3 Vol.43,Issue 1,January 2019 pp.11-15

Published: 01 January 2019

*Corresponding Author(s): Divya S Sharma E-mail:


Objective: The purpose of this study was to test a customized pulse oximeter (CPO) for evaluation of pulp vitality in primary and permanent teeth against clinical diagnosis (vital and untreated non-vital) in order to expand its clinical use for pulp preservation. Study design: CPO was evaluated on intact primary and permanent central or lateral incisor (CI, LI) teeth-vital (group 1, 20n each); untreated non-vital (group 2, 10n each) and; root filled non-vital (group 3, 10n each) of children 4–12 years according to inclusion/ exclusion criteria. For each patient CPO was first applied on finger followed by vitality tests in following sequence-electrical, pulse oximetry and thermal tests. Results: Mean oxygen saturation (%SpO2) in permanent and primary–vital teeth was 88.78% & 87.77% respectively; non-vital teeth was 74.67% & 75.00% respectively; and in all root filled teeth was 0%. Tooth and finger oxygen saturation values showed strong positive relationship in vital primary or permanent teeth and; no correlation in untreated non-vital primary or permanent teeth. The accuracy rate of thermal pulp test and pulse oximetry was 100% and for electrical pulp test it was 90% for permanent and 86.67% for primary teeth. Conclusion: The CPO tested in this study proved to be a valuable adjunct for diagnosing pulp vitality by objective means.


Pulp vitality; Pulp test; Pulse oximeter

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Divya S Sharma,Shikha Mishra,Naveen Reddy Banda,Sneha Vaswani. In Vivo Evaluation of Customized Pulse Oximeter and Sensitivity Pulp Tests for Assessment Of Pulp Vitality. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2019. 43(1);11-15.


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