Article Type
Special Issue
Oral Manifestations of Autoimmune Neutropenia: A Case Report
1University Dental Hospital Manchester, University of Manchester, England
*Corresponding Author(s): Carly C Dixon E-mail: Carly.Dixon@manchester.ac.uk
Autoimmune neutropenia is a self-limiting condition characterized by the presence of granulocyte-specific autoantibodies. This case report describes a 2-year-old female who presented to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry with a history of oral ulceration, complicated by high temperature, gingival hypertrophy and gingival hemorrhage. These symptoms had precipitated an admission to a district general hospital and diagnosis of viral tonsillitis. The severity of the presentation to the Pediatric Dental Department prompted a review of recent discharge blood investigations, which revealed a neutrophil count of 0.07×109/L(1.0–8.5 ×109/L) indicating severe neutropenia. Urgent referral to Pediatric Hematology resulted in same-day admission and a diagnosis of autoimmune neutropenia was established. The patient was managed with chlorhexidine mouthwash, prophylactic antimicrobial and antifungal medication and granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). Neutropenia may present with features exclusive to the oral cavity. Recognition of atypical presentations such as oral ulceration with associated systemic illness may assist in early diagnosis.
Autoimmune neutropenia; Oral manifestations; Children
Carly C Dixon,Francesca J Thomson,Siobhan M Barry. Oral Manifestations of Autoimmune Neutropenia: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2019. 43(1);46-50.
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