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“Knee-To-Knee” Position for Minor Procedures in Infants and Toddlers- Dentists Attitudes

  • Fux Noy1,*,
  • Shmueli A1
  • Halperson E1
  • Ram. D1
  • Moskovitz M1

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Hebrew University, Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.2.3 Vol.43,Issue 2,March 2019 pp.86-90

Published: 01 March 2019

*Corresponding Author(s): Fux Noy E-mail:


Objective: The objective of this survey was to assess attitudes of pediatric dentists in Israel toward using “knee-to-knee” positioning for dental examinations and for minor procedures in infants and toddlers. Study design: An anonymous questionnaire was distributed among specialists in pediatric dentistry. Eleven questions accessed demographic data, professional experience and attitudes toward the use of the “knee-to-knee” position. Results: Of 68 respondents, 66 (97%) reported using “knee-to-knee” positioning for dental checkups. In addition, 52 (76%) reported performing other procedures in the “knee-to-knee” position. Fluoride application and oral hygiene instructions are the most common procedures performed in the “knee-to-knee” position. Conclusions: “Knee-to-knee” positioning was found very convenient for dental examinations and other simple procedures in very young children.


Knee-to-knee; Dental examination

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Fux Noy,Shmueli A,Halperson E,Ram. D,Moskovitz M. “Knee-To-Knee” Position for Minor Procedures in Infants and Toddlers- Dentists Attitudes. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2019. 43(2);86-90.


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