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Remineralizing Potential of Clinpro® and Tooth Mousse Plus® on Artificial Carious Lesions

  • Sakshi Buckshey1
  • Robert P Anthonappa2,*,
  • Nigel M. King2
  • Anut Itthagarun3

1Henry M Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Boston University, USA

2Paediatric Oral Health Research Group, School of Dentistry, The University of Western Australia, Australia

3Paediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry and Oral Health, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-43.2.6 Vol.43,Issue 2,March 2019 pp.103-108

Published: 01 March 2019

*Corresponding Author(s): Robert P Anthonappa E-mail:


Background: Calcium phosphate and fluoride (F) delivery systems claim to facilitate enamel remineralization. Aim: To evaluate and compare (i) the remineralizing potential of Clinpro® Tooth Crème(CTC) and Tooth Mousse Plus®(TMP) on artificial carious lesions, and (ii) the benefit of 1000ppm F dentifrice prior to the application of CTC and TMP. Study design: Carious lesions, 200–300μm deep were produced by placing molars in demineralizing solution for 96h, sections 100–150μm thick were then randomly assigned to six groups(n=150). Specimens were treated thrice daily with a non-fluoridated(Group A), or fluoridated dentifrice[1000ppm, (Group B)], or CTC(Group C), TMP(Group D), fluoridated dentifrice followed by CTC(Group E), or a fluoridated dentifrice followed by TMP(Group F), and then subjected to a 10-day pH cycling model. Lesion evaluation involved polarizing light microscopy and microradiography. Results: Posttreatment maximum mineral content at the surface zone(Vmax) was significantly increased in Groups B, C, and D compared to the other groups. The lesion depth(LD) decreased in Group D>Group C>Group E, and the net mineral content gain(ΔZ) in Group C>Group D, which did not reach statistical significance. Conclusions: CTC and TMP exhibited similar efficacy in remineralizing artificial carious lesions. Nevertheless, the net mineral gain or lesion consolidation following CTC use was higher than TMP.


Remineralization; Tooth mousse plus, Clinpro

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Sakshi Buckshey,Robert P Anthonappa,Nigel M. King,Anut Itthagarun. Remineralizing Potential of Clinpro® and Tooth Mousse Plus® on Artificial Carious Lesions. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2019. 43(2);103-108.


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