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Clinical Considerations for Dental Management of Children with Molar-Root Incisor Malformations

  • Min Jin Kim1
  • Ji-Soo Song1
  • Young-Jae Kim1
  • Jung-Wook Kim1
  • Ki-Taeg Jang1
  • Hong-Keun Hyun1,*,

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Research Institute,School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.1.10 Vol.44,Issue 1,January 2020 pp.55-59

Published: 01 January 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): Hong-Keun Hyun E-mail:


Molar root-incisor malformation (MRIM) or molar-incisor malformation (MIM) is a new type of dental anomaly characterized by dysplastic roots of permanent first molars, occasionally second primary molars, and the crowns of maxillary central incisors. MRIM involving permanent first molars and second primary molars is characterized by normal crowns with short, thin, and narrow roots, whereas MRIM involving permanent maxillary central incisors exhibits constrictions of the crown in the cervical area. In the first case, we extracted the affected first permanent molars at the optimal timing to minimize space deficiencies and induce space closure. In addition, composite resin restorations were performed on the anterior central incisors. In the second case, a mandibular lingual arch was used to stabilize the affected teeth in order to mitigate discomfort by reducing rotational biting forces.


Molar root-incisor malformation; Molar-incisor malformation; Root malformation

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Min Jin Kim,Ji-Soo Song,Young-Jae Kim,Jung-Wook Kim,Ki-Taeg Jang,Hong-Keun Hyun. Clinical Considerations for Dental Management of Children with Molar-Root Incisor Malformations. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2020. 44(1);55-59.


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