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Regenerative Endodontic Therapy with Platelet Rich Fibrin: Case Series

  • G Kandemir Demirci1,*,
  • P Güneri2
  • MK Çalışkan1

1Department of Endodontology, School of Dentistry, Ege University, İzmir, Turkey

2Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, School of Dentistry, Ege University, İzmir, Turkey

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.1.3 Vol.44,Issue 1,January 2020 pp.15-19

Published: 01 January 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): G Kandemir Demirci E-mail:


Regenerative endodontic therapy (RET) provides a novel treatment modality for the immature teeth with pulp necrosis. The aim of this case series was to evaluate RET of immature permanent teeth using platelet rich fibrin (PRF) at 36-month follow-up periods. In the present case series, three immature maxillary incisors diagnosed with pulp necrosis and apical periodontitis were treated with RET. The root canals were irrigated with 1.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and medicated with triple antibiotic paste(TAP). At the second visit, TAP was removed and root canals were conditioned with 17% EDTA. PRF was used as a scaffold. MTA was placed over PRF and the teeth were restored with composite resin. Periapical radiographs and cone beam computerized tomography(CBCT) were used to evaluate the healing. At the end of the 36-month follow-up periods, there was no response to pulp sensibility tests with cold and electric pulp tester, but all teeth showed decreased periapical lesions or evidence of healing.


Immature permanent tooth; Platelet rich fibrin; Regenerative endodontic therapy

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G Kandemir Demirci,P Güneri,MK Çalışkan. Regenerative Endodontic Therapy with Platelet Rich Fibrin: Case Series. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2020. 44(1);15-19.


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