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Oral Findings in Children, Adolescents and Adults with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

  • Emil Korporowicz1
  • Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk1,*,
  • Maja Lipiec1
  • Monika Słowińska2
  • Dariusz Gozdowski3
  • Sergiusz Jóźwiak2

1Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

2Department of Child Neurology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

3Department of Experimental Statistics and Bioinformatics, Warsaw University of Life Science, Warsaw, Poland

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.3.10 Vol.44,Issue 3,May 2020 pp.190-195

Published: 01 May 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk E-mail:


Objectives: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multisystem genetic disorder characterized by the development of benign tumors. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of oral lesions in patients with TSC and healthy individuals. Study design: The study included 120 patients aged 1.1 to 42.7 years: 60 patients with TSC and 60 controls. Clinical assessment of oral hygiene (Plaque Index–PLI), gingiva (Gingival Index–GI, Gingival Overgrowth Index–GOI), oral mucosa and dentition (caries, tooth wear, enamel defects) was performed. Statistical analysis was performed. Results: 40 patients with TSC received anticonvulsants. Neglected hygiene (PLI: 1.50±0.96 vs 0.92±0.72), gingival hyperplasia (50.0% vs.1.7%), gingivitis (80.7% vs. 53.4%), oral mucosal fibromas (10.0% vs. 0.0%), mucous membrane traumatic lesions (11.7% vs. 1.7%), enamel pits and hypoplasia of incisal borders (41.7% vs. 6.7%), tooth wear (35.0% vs. 11.7%) were more common in patients with TSC compared to controls; increased gingival hyperplasia was correlated with vigabatrin and levetiracetam treatment (r = 0.266 and 0.279, respectively), gingivitis was correlated with PLI (r= 0.635). Conclusions: Although gingival fibromas in TSC are independent of patient’s age, young age, anticonvulsant therapy and local factors increase their severity. Enamel defects in TSC include pits, but also enamel loss on the incisal edges and tooth wear.


Oral Mucosa; Dental Enamel Hypoplasia; Tuberous Sclerosis; Tooth wear

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Emil Korporowicz,Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk,Maja Lipiec, Monika Słowińska,Dariusz Gozdowski,Sergiusz Jóźwiak. Oral Findings in Children, Adolescents and Adults with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2020. 44(3);190-195.


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