Article Type
Special Issue
Delayed Spontaneous Eruption of Severely Infraoccluded Primary Second Molar: Two Case Reports
1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of dentistry, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
*Corresponding Author(s): Hyun-Jung Kim E-mail: jungkim@knu.ac.kr
Infraocclusion occurs at an early age and becomes worse with age, causing increased damage in young children. Extraction of affected teeth is the preferred treatment modality for prevention of possible complications. It is rare for a primary molar to temporarily exhibit secondary failure of eruption, followed by regeneration of full eruptive capacity. This report was written to describe two patients who experienced spontaneous eruption of an infraoccluded primary molar at approximately 7 years of age. While watchful waiting is not always a suitable treatment option, we propose that extraction be deferred until the first permanent molar erupts, unless significant problems occur.
Infraocclusion; Ankylosis; Primary molar; Spontaneous eruption
Na-Young Oh,Soon-Hyeun Nam,Jae-Sik Lee, Hyun-Jung Kim. Delayed Spontaneous Eruption of Severely Infraoccluded Primary Second Molar: Two Case Reports. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2020. 44(3);185-189.
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