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Assessment of New York Primary Care Physicians’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Fluoride Varnish in an Urban Medical-Setting

  • Lisa Lian1,*,
  • Christie Lumsden2
  • Richard Yoon3
  • Dana Sirota3

1New York University College of Dentistry, New York, NY, USA

2Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York, NY, USA

3Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.4.6 Vol.44,Issue 4,July 2020 pp.249-255

Published: 01 July 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): Lisa Lian E-mail:


Objective: To determine changes in knowledge, attitudes, and practices of primary care physicians (PCPs) regarding fluoride varnish (FV). Study Design: Fifty-four PCPs at an urban medical center in New York completed a pre-intervention survey. A pediatric dental resident provided an hour-long educational lecture and a hands-on demonstration regarding FV application. Six months later, PCPs were sent a post-intervention survey via electronic mail. Results: Fifty-four PCPs participated in the pre-survey and FV training and 48% completed the post-survey. Prior to the FV training, 57% of PCPs knew that FV application by medical practitioners was reimbursable for children under 6-years-old and 2% of PCPs were applying FV. Post FV training, 62% of PCPs reported applying FV. Pre and post survey, barriers to FV application was not enough hands-on training (43% to 15% respectively) and not enough time (50% to 85% respectively). Conclusions: Post FV training, PCPs’ knowledge, attitudes and practices in regard to FV changed. Interprofessional education may be one approach to increasing FV application participation.


Primary care; Fluoride; Fluoride varnish; Interprofessional education

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Lisa Lian,Christie Lumsden,Richard Yoon,Dana Sirota. Assessment of New York Primary Care Physicians’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Fluoride Varnish in an Urban Medical-Setting. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2020. 44(4);249-255.


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