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Canine Transposition – Prevalence, Distribution and Treatment Considerations among Orthodontic Patients

  • Tamar Finkelstein1
  • Yehoshua Shapira1,*,
  • Aikaterini Maria Pavlidi1
  • Moshe Davidovitch1
  • Sigalit Blumer2
  • Shirley Schonberger1
  • Nir Shpack1

1Department of Orthodontics, Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

2Department of Orthodontics, Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-44.4.9 Vol.44,Issue 4,July 2020 pp.268-273

Published: 01 July 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): Yehoshua Shapira E-mail:


Tooth transposition is a relatively rare dental anomaly of interchange in position of two adjacent teeth. To determine the prevalence and distribution of canine transposition in a sample of orthodontic patients and present treatment alternatives and outcome. Study design: The records of 3000 consecutively treated orthodontic patients from a university clinic were surveyed to detect canine transposition in both dental arches. The data was recorded according to gender, age, number and location. Results: Canine transpositions were detected in 15 subjects, 3 (20%) males and 12 (80%) females presenting a prevalence of 0.5%. Of them, 6 were between the maxillary canine and first premolar, 7 between the maxillary canine and lateral incisor, 2 transpositions were between the mandibular canine and the lateral incisor. A female to male ratio of 4:1 with left side predominance was found. Treatment options include extracting the transposed teeth, maintaining them in their transposed position, or repositioning them in their normal place within the dental arch. Conclusion :The prevalence of canine transposition in the present sample was found to be 0.5% with a greater frequency in the maxilla. Treatment options include extraction of one of the transposed teeth, alignment of the teeth in their transposed position or correction of the anomaly. The latter gives the best esthetic outcome.

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Tamar Finkelstein,Yehoshua Shapira,Aikaterini Maria Pavlidi,Moshe Davidovitch,Sigalit Blumer, Shirley Schonberger,Nir Shpack. Canine Transposition – Prevalence, Distribution and Treatment Considerations among Orthodontic Patients. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2020. 44(4);268-273.


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