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Case Reports

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Oral Care in Kindler Syndrome: 7-Year Follow-up of 2 Brothers

  • Isabelle Blanchet1,*,
  • Corinne Tardieu1
  • Estelle Casazza1

1UFR Odontologie Aix-Marseille-Université, Service Odontologie, Timone- Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Marseille, France

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4625-45.1.8 Vol.45,Issue 1,January 2021 pp.41-47

Published: 01 January 2021

*Corresponding Author(s): Isabelle Blanchet E-mail:


Background: Kindler poikiloderma is an inherited autosomal genodermatosis characterized by blistering of the epidermis and mucosae. Its prevalence is unknown. Case report: We monitored two brothers suffering from this pathology. Oral manifestations mainly take the form of periodontal lesions. In our patients we noted gingivitis progressing to periodontitis as follow-up care was not effective. We also diagnosed enamel hypoplasia, described more rarely in this pathology. Conclusion: Periodontitis in Kindler Syndrome responds to maintenance therapy, but the absence of surveillance is penalized by a deterioration in periodontal condition and complication of management. All restorative, endodontic, surgical, periodontal and orthodontic treatments should be performed with appropriate precautions.


Kindler syndrome; Epidermolysis bullosa; Enamel hypoplasia; Periodontal disease

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Isabelle Blanchet,Corinne Tardieu,Estelle Casazza. Oral Care in Kindler Syndrome: 7-Year Follow-up of 2 Brothers. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2021. 45(1);41-47.


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