Article Type
Special Issue
Role of Marginal Ridge Shape and Contact Extent in Proximal Caries Between Primary Molars
1University of Western Australia, Paediatric Dentistry Department, Perth, WA, Australia
2The University of Western Australia, Paediatric Dentistry UWA Dental School, Perth, WA, Australia
*Corresponding Author(s): Robert P Anthonappa E-mail: robert.anthonappa@uwa.edu.au
Objectives: To determine different combinations of marginal ridge shape (MRS) and contact extents in nature of the contact between primary molars and its correlation with the presence of carious lesions on radiographic examination of approximal surfaces. Study design: Retrospective study of 347 clinical records, including photographs and bitewing radiographs, were assessed for intact MRS and caries extent. The carious lesions were scored (0–5, Mejàre scoring system) radiographically and correlated to the intact MRS on clinical photographs, and strength of associations quantified using logistic regression analysis and chi-square tests. Results: Primary molars, 848(contact extent), and 757(MRS) were analyzed. Combination of straight-convex(35.4%) MRS was more common (p<0.001). None of the approximal surfaces were caries-free for straight and straight MRS with 36.4% of both approximal surfaces exhibiting caries in enamel, and 38.2% of one approximal surface exhibiting caries in dentin. Approximately 90% of the primary molars with substantial contacts exhibited carious lesions in the enamel and 80% with light contacts exhibited carious lesions in the dentin (p<0.001). Conclusion: Six different combinations of intact MRS were identified. Combination of concave-convex shapes exhibited caries extending into dentin. Substantial and/or light contacts between primary molars showed higher caries experience in the approximal surfaces.
Marginal ridge; Primary molars; Approximal caries; Interproximal caries
Vanessa Y Cho,Nigel M King,Robert P Anthonappa. Role of Marginal Ridge Shape and Contact Extent in Proximal Caries Between Primary Molars. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2021. 45(2);98-103.
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