Article Type
Special Issue
Descriptive Study of Oral Health, Dental Care and Nutritional Habits of Children with Cerebral Palsy during Conductive Education
1Department of Community Dentistry, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
2Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
3University of Szeged Faculty of Dentistry, Szeged, Hungary
*Corresponding Author(s): Orsós M E-mail: orsos.mercedesz@dent.semmelweis-univ.hu
Objective: Regarding the 2011 census in Hungary, the number of children with movement deficiences can be around 7,000. These children with special health care needs are considered to be a vulnerable group even from a dental point of view. In our dental program, we gain comprehensive information about patients’ oral health, health behavior, and monitor dental care. Study design: A total of 199 children went through a full pediatric dental examination, children with cerebral palsy were categorized into five different levels (GMFCS) and children without motor disfunction into two groups. We analyzed the df-t and DMF-T values. Oral hygiene routine, dental care, gingivitis, demographic characteristics, nutritional habits odds ratio to df-t and DMF-T were surveyed. Results: The mean df-t and DMF-T was 1.87 and 1.15 out of a total of 199, and the group that scored worse was the GMFCS II. The mean RI (restorative index) was 18.12% and 27% for decidous and permanent teeth, respectively. The prevalence of gingivitis was 66.7%. Conclusion: The results of our research point to the fact that children with cerebral palsy have difficulties in developing and maintaining proper oral health due to their disadvantages and therefore require special care and attention.
Oral hygiene; Epidemology; Cerebral palsy; Children with disabilities
Orsós M,Antal D,Veres DS,Nagy K,Németh O. Descriptive Study of Oral Health, Dental Care and Nutritional Habits of Children with Cerebral Palsy during Conductive Education. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2021. 45(4);239-246.
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