Article Type
Special Issue
Comparison of Spanish and Portuguese Parental Acceptance of Behavior Management Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry
1Department of Pediatric Dentistry Department, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), Barcelona, Spain
2Pediatric Dentistry Department, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), Barcelona, Spain
3Institute of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Dentistry Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra (FMUC), Coimbra, Portugal
*Corresponding Author(s): Francisco Guinot E-mail: fguinot@uic.es
Aim. To compare acceptance of behavior management techniques used in pediatric dentistry by Spanish and Portuguese parents. Study design. cross-sectional study.
A survey of 8 behavior management techniques used in pediatric dentistry was administered to parents whose children were being treated at the Universitat Internacional de Cataluña (Barcelona, Spain) or at the Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). The techniques evaluated were: tell–show–do (TSD), nitrous oxide sedation, passive restraint using a papoose board, voice control, hand-over-mouth, oral premedication, active restraint and general anaesthesia. The questionnaire also included information on parents’ sex, number and sex of children receiving treatment, parents’ previous dental experience (positive or negative), children’s previous dental experience (positive or negative), and the socioeconomic status of the families. Results. TSD and voice control were rated the most acceptable techniques in both Spain and Portugal, whereas the least accepted techniques in both countries were active and passive restraint. There were no significant differences in the acceptance of each of the techniques, in relation to parents’ sex or their previous dental experience, children’s sex or age, children’s previous dental experience, or families’ socioeconomic status. Conclusion. TSD was the most widely accepted behavior-management technique by Spanish and Portuguese parents, even with the passage of time. Both groups of parents had a low opinion of active and passive restraint techniques.
Behavior management; Pediatric dentistry; Parental attitude
Francisco Guinot,Mercè Virolés,Clàudia Lluch,Ana Luisa Costa,Ana Veloso. Comparison of Spanish and Portuguese Parental Acceptance of Behavior Management Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2021. 45(4);247-252.
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