Article Type
Special Issue
Firecracker Maxillofacial Injury in a 6-Year-Old Child- A Case Report
1Oral Health Sciences Center, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India
*Corresponding Author(s): Sanjeev Kumar Singh E-mail: san.bajaj88@gmail.com
The present case report highlights the management of a 6 years old female child who suffered oral and maxillofacial injury due to explosion of a fire cracker inside the mouth which was managed by primary closure after complete debridement and to prevent the post treatment microstomia, a modified microstomia prevention intraoral prosthetic appliance was given and followed up for 15 months.
Facial injury, Firecracker, Thermal oral burns, Children
Sanjeev Kumar Singh,Mohammad Muneeb Mubashir,Nagarajan Sirini,Khushboo Bhalla,Aditi Kapur. Firecracker Maxillofacial Injury in a 6-Year-Old Child- A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2022. 46(3);188-191.
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