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Intrusive Luxation in Primary Teeth: A Case Report

  • Mendoza-Mendoza A1,*,
  • González-Mallea E1
  • Iglesias-Linares A2

1,School of Dentistry. University of Seville. Spain

2,School of Dentistry. Complutense University of Madrid. Spain

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-39.3.215 Vol.39,Issue 3,May 2015 pp.215-218

Published: 01 May 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): Mendoza-Mendoza A E-mail:


Background: Intrusive luxation, also called central dislocation, is often the result of an axial impact in the apical direction, moving the tooth within the alveolar bone. This is possibly one of the most traumatic injuries, since the displacement of a tooth within its socket implies extensive and acute involvement of the periodontal ligament, bone damage and rupture of the neurovascular bundle. The close relationship between the apexes of the primary teeth and the developing permanent successor in turn can lead to multiple complications, which are greater when the permanent tooth is affected in the early stages of development. Methods: The present paper describes a case of intrusion in primary teeth and its evolution following initial diagnosis as avulsion at the time of trauma. Results: The upper right central incisor, initially diagnosed as avulsed, was lodged in the floor of the right nostril, and was surgically extracted through the nose. Conclusions: In cases of intrusion of primary teeth, it is essential to diagnose the direction of the displaced tooth to rule out injury to the successor and thus prevent the occurrence of sequelae in the permanent dentition.


tooth traumatism; primary dentition

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Mendoza-Mendoza A,González-Mallea E,Iglesias-Linares A. Intrusive Luxation in Primary Teeth: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2015. 39(3);215-218.


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