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Communicating with the New Generations. The Challenge for Pediatric Dentists

  • Marc Saadia1,*,
  • Roberto Valencia1

1Prado Sur 290, Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico, 11000DF, Mexico.

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-39.4.297 Vol.39,Issue 4,July 2015 pp.297-302

Published: 01 July 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): Marc Saadia E-mail:


Most of the children and parents are virtuous and will give us plenty of reasons to enjoy what we do. Unfortunately, we all know that something is somehow wrong with these new generations. Parents and children sometimes place Pediatric dentists in a dilemma. The social structure changes every few years causing a burden on how to deal with these families. For this reason, dentists might decide to sedate or go to the operating room when these children might be potentially good dental patients. Deciding this course of action, does not allow us to bond with them. Bonding with children must be worked and nurtured. This is part of what pediatric dentists are trained for. This manuscript will illustrate the major changes seen with the new generations of parents and children and how it affects us the way we work in our offices. We will show the importance of bonding with parents and children, moving beyond the biological aspects and venturing into the psycho-socio and cultural issues. Knowing our children and adolescents will allow us to detect potential physical or emotional hazardous behavior.


behavior, communication, dentist, children.

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Marc Saadia,Roberto Valencia. Communicating with the New Generations. The Challenge for Pediatric Dentists. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2015. 39(4);297-302.


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