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Evidence-based Update of Pediatric Dental Restorative Procedures: Dental Materials

  • Dhar V1,*,
  • Hsu KL1
  • Coll JA1
  • Ginsberg E1
  • Ball BM1
  • Chhibber S1
  • Johnson M1
  • Kim M1
  • Modaresi N1
  • Tinanoff N1

1he Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, University of Maryland School of Dentistry, Baltimore, USA.

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-39.4.303 Vol.39,Issue 4,July 2015 pp.303-310

Published: 01 July 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): Dhar V E-mail:


The science of dental materials and restorative care in children and adolescent is constantly evolving, and the ongoing search for ideal restorative materials has led to plethora of research. Aim: To provide an evidence base to assist dental practitioners choose appropriate restorative care for children and adolescents. Study design: This evidence-based review appraises this literature, primarily between the years 1995-2013, for efficacy of dental amalgam, composites, glass ionomer cements, compomers, preformed metal crowns and anterior esthetic restorations. The assessment of evidence for each dental material was based on a strong evidence, evidence in favor, expert opinion, and evidence against by consensus of the authors. Results: There is varying level of evidence for the use of restorative materials like amalgam, composites, glass ionomers, resin-modified glass-ionomers, compomers, stainless steel crowns and anterior crowns for both primary and permanent teeth. Conclusions: A substantial amount data is available on restorative materials used in pediatric dentistry; however, there exists substantial evidence from systematic reviews and randomized clinical trials and clinicians need to examine and understand the available literature evidence carefully to aid them in clinical decision making.


dental materials, evidence-based dentistry, pediatric dentistry, restorative dentistry, preventive dentistry

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Dhar V,Hsu KL,Coll JA,Ginsberg E,Ball BM,Chhibber S,Johnson M,Kim M,Modaresi N,Tinanoff N. Evidence-based Update of Pediatric Dental Restorative Procedures: Dental Materials. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2015. 39(4);303-310.


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