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Self-Esteem and Oral Condition of Institutionalized Abused Children in Japan

  • Sano-Asahito T1,*,
  • Suzuki A2
  • Matsuyama J1
  • Mitomi T1
  • Kinoshita-Kawano S1
  • Hayashi-Sakai S1
  • Asahito T1

1Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan

2Child Protection Subcommittee, Niigata City Council of Social Welfare, Japan.

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-39.4.322 Vol.39,Issue 4,July 2015 pp.322-325

Published: 01 July 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): Sano-Asahito T E-mail:


Abused children have been reported to have low self-esteem. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dental intervention on self-esteem, oral condition, and concern for oral health in abused children admitted to a child protection service facility. Study design: We examined the oral condition of 65 children (34 boys, 31 girls; aged 2–15 years), instructed them in tooth-brushing. Self-esteem was examined using Pope’s five-scale test for children. Before discharge, the children completed questionnaires on concern about their oral health. Results: The findings revealed the reasons for admission were child abuse and neglect (n=45), domestic violence against the mother (n= 20), special needs (n=11), delinquency (n=7), school refusal (n=2), and other reasons (n=3). Thirty-five of the 65 residents (54%) needed treatment for caries. Of these, 24 (69%) were abused children and 11 (31%) were admitted due to other reasons. Mean self-esteem score differed significantly between the resident children (n=43) and an outpatient control group (n=102) (59.16±14.54 vs 73.92±16.81, respectively; p<0.01). Conclusion: Although the abused children had low self-esteem, after dental intervention, positive answers regarding oral health were obtained. The findings suggest that dental interventions might be effective for helping to improve the self-esteem of abused children.


child abuse, self-esteem, oral health, dental intervention

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Sano-Asahito T,Suzuki A, Matsuyama J,Mitomi T,Kinoshita-Kawano S,Hayashi-Sakai S,Asahito T. Self-Esteem and Oral Condition of Institutionalized Abused Children in Japan. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2015. 39(4);322-325.


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