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Dental Caries Status, Socio-Economic, Behavioral and Biological Variables among 12- Year-Old Palestinian School Children

  • Sgan-Cohen HD1,*,
  • Bajali M2
  • Eskander L1
  • Steinberg D1
  • Zini A1

1Department of Community Dentistry, Hebrew University-Hadassah Faculty of Dental Medicine, Israel

2Department of Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Al-Quds University, Palestine.

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-39.4.331 Vol.39,Issue 4,July 2015 pp.331-335

Published: 01 July 2015

*Corresponding Author(s): Sgan-Cohen HD E-mail:


There are currently inadequate data regarding the prevalence of dental caries and its associated variables, among Palestinian children. Aim: To determine the current prevalence of dental caries and related variables, among Palestinian children in East Jerusalem. Study design: A stratified sample of 286 East Jerusalem Palestinian children was selected, employing randomly chosen sixth grade clusters from three pre-selected socio-economic school groups. Dental caries was recorded according to WHO recommendations. Salivary flow, pH, buffer capacity and microbial parameters, were recorded according to previously employed methodologies. Results: The mean level of caries experience, by DMFT, was 1.98 ± 2.05. This level was higher than those found among Israeli children, but lower than several other Middle Eastern countries. In uni-variate analysis, significant associations were revealed between caries and school categories, which indicated lower, middle and higher socio-economic position(SEP), mothers’ employment, home densities, dental visits, tooth brushing, Streptococci mutans (SM), Lactobacilli (LB), and saliva pH. Conclusion: According to a linear logistic regression model, children learning in lower SEP schools, with higher SM levels and more acidic saliva, had a higher chance of experiencing dental caries. These findings should be considered in the planning of services and dental health care programs for Palestinian children.


dental caries, socio-economic position, health behavior.

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Sgan-Cohen HD,Bajali M,Eskander L,Steinberg D,Zini A. Dental Caries Status, Socio-Economic, Behavioral and Biological Variables among 12- Year-Old Palestinian School Children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2015. 39(4);331-335.


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