Article Type
Special Issue
Dental Erosion and its Associated Factors In 11-16-Year Old School Children
1Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, College of Dental Sciences, Davangere, Karnataka, India.
*Corresponding Author(s): Kirthiga M E-mail: kirthi487@gmail.com
Dental erosion currently stands as a great challenge for the clinician, regarding the diagnosis, identification of the etiological factors, prevention and execution of an adequate treatment. Aims: To evaluate the prevalence, severity, and associated factors on dental erosion in 11-16-years old. Study design: A cross sectional study was conducted among 2000 school children who were randomly selected. A questionnaire was given to the children that included personal demographic details and habit of consuming acidic foods and drinks. An index specific for dental erosion given by O Sullivan was used to assess every affected tooth. The values were subjected to chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: The prevalence of dental erosion was found to be 1.4%. Females (1.6%) were slightly more affected than males (1.3%). Public school children (2.1%) were found to be affected a little more than private children (0.7%). Chi square test showed significant association between type of school and erosion prevalence (p = 0.015). Most commonly affected teeth were lateral incisor (59.72%). Conclusion: The prevalence of dental erosion was found to be low when compared to various studies done all over the world.
dental erosion, prevalence, school children, dietary habits.
Kirthiga M,Poornima P,Praveen R,Sakeena B, Disha P. Dental Erosion and its Associated Factors In 11-16-Year Old School Children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2015. 39(4);336-342.
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