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Special Issue
Enamel Deproteinization using Papacarie and 10% Papain Gel on Shear Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets Before and After Acid Etching
1Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, K. D, Dental College and Hospital, Mathura, India
2Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College & Research Centre, Moradabad India.
*Corresponding Author(s): YeluriR E-mail: drramakrishnay@gmail.com
To suggest Papacarie® as a new deproteinizing agent in comparison with indigenously prepared 10% papain gel before and after acid etching that may enhance the quality of the bond between enamel surface and composite resin complex. Study design: One hundred and twenty five extracted human premolars were utilized and divided into five groups: In the group 1, enamel surface was etched and primer was applied. In group 2, treatment with papacarie® for 60 seconds followed by etching and primer application. In group 3, etching followed by treatment with papacarie® for 60 seconds and primer application. In group 4, treatment with 10% papain gel for 60 seconds followed by etching and primer application. In group 5, etching followed by treatment with 10% papain gel for 60 seconds and primer application . After bonding the brackets, the mechanical testing was performed using a Universal testing machine. The failure mode was analyzed using an adhesive remnant index. The etching patterns before and after application of papacarie® and 10% papain gel was also evaluated using SEM. The values obtained for shear bond strength were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey test (p < 0.05). Results: It was observed that group 2 and group 4 had the highest shear bond strength and was statistically significant from other groups (p=0.001). Regarding Adhesive remnant index no statistical difference was seen between the groups (p=0.538). Conclusion: Papacarie® or 10% papain gel can be used to deproteinize the enamel surface before acid etching to enhance the bond strength of orthodontic brackets.
Enamel deproteinization, Etching, Papacarie®, Papain gel, Shear bond strength
Agarwal RM,YeluriR,SinghC,Munshi AK. Enamel Deproteinization using Papacarie and 10% Papain Gel on Shear Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets Before and After Acid Etching. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2015. 39(4);348-357.
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