Article Type
Special Issue
Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Formocresol, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Portland Cement, and Enamel Matrix Derivative in Primary Teeth Pulpotomies: A Two Year Follow-Up
1Gulhane Medical Academy, Pediatric Dentistry Department, Ankara, Turkey
*Corresponding Author(s): Ceren Yildirim E-mail: cerenk.yildirim@gmail.com
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate and to compare clinical and radiographic outcomes of 4 materials (formocresol, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), Portland cement and enamel matrix derivative) using in primary teeth pulpotomies. Study Design: Sixty-five patients aged 5–9 years (32 female, 33 male) were included in this study. A total of 140 primary first and second molars with deep caries were treated with pulpotomy. All teeth were then restored with stainless steel crowns. The treated teeth were evaluated clinically and radiographically at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Results: At 24 months, the clinical success rates of formocresol, MTA, Portland cement, and enamel matrix derivative were 96.9%, 100%, 93.9%, and 93.3%, respectively. The corresponding radiographic success rates were 84.4%, 93.9%, 86.7% and 78.1%, respectively. Conclusion: Although there were no statistically significant differences in clinical and radiographic success rates among the 4 groups, MTA appears to be superior to formocresol, Portland cement, and enamel matrix derivative as a pulpotomy agent in primary teeth.
Pulpotomy, Formocresol, Mineral trioxide aggregate, Portland cement, Enamel matrix derivative
Ceren Yildirim,Feridun Basak,Ozlem Marti Akgun,Gunseli Guven Polat,Ceyhan Altun. Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Formocresol, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Portland Cement, and Enamel Matrix Derivative in Primary Teeth Pulpotomies: A Two Year Follow-Up. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(1);14-20.
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