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A CAMBRA Model For High Caries Risk Indian Children: A Pragmatic Comprehensive Tailored Intervention

  • Krishan Gauba1,*,
  • Ashima Goyal1
  • Neeti Mittal1

1The Unit of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Oral Health Sciences Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-40.1.36 Vol.40,Issue 1,January 2016 pp.36-43

Published: 01 January 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): Krishan Gauba E-mail:


Objective: To evaluate a CAMBRA based therapeutic and preventive model for high caries risk children in a pediatric dentistry clinic set-up. Study design: A total of 100 systemically healthy children aged 4–8 years with dmft/DMFT ≥5 and/or ≤20% magnitude of cariogram sector ‘chance to avoid new cavities’ were enrolled. The program comprised of following components i.e. caries risk assessment, customized preventive interventions (Motivational interviewing and counseling, oral prophylaxis, fluoride varnish, fissure sealants) and restorative procedures. The recall intervals were scheduled on the basis of caries risk i.e. every 1 month (≤40% chance to avoid new cavities) and 3 months (≥41% chance to avoid new cavities). The primary outcome measure was ‘new carious lesions' at 12 months following achievement of ‘termination levels' i.e. ≥41% magnitude of ‘chance to avoid new cavities.' The secondary outcome measures were changes in cariogram parameters at termination and duration needed to achieve termination levels. Results: The program showed 97% success rate as 3/100 subjects developed new carious lesions at 12 months follow up. Highly significant (p<0.001) favorable shift was achieved in cariogram parameters at termination. Termination levels were achieved in 2.71±4.854 months. Conclusions: The present CAMBRA based program with customized intervention and recall schedules showed favorable results.


CAMBRA, Caries prevention, Cariogram, High caries risk.

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Krishan Gauba,Ashima Goyal,Neeti Mittal. A CAMBRA Model For High Caries Risk Indian Children: A Pragmatic Comprehensive Tailored Intervention. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(1);36-43.


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