Article Type
Special Issue
The Effect of Full-Mouth Rehabilitation on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life for Children with Special Health Care Needs
*Corresponding Author(s): Omar El-Meligy E-mail: omeligy@kau.edu.sa
Objectives: Changes in oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) among 40 children with special health care needs (CSHCN) aged 5–14 years before and 12 months after full-mouth rehabilitation (FMR) under general anesthesia (GA) in two hospitals in Jeddah city were assessed. Study design: The questionnaire was delivered to the parents/caregivers at baseline (pre-operative) and at the 12-month post-operative follow-up visit. Medical and dental histories and clinical findings were correlated accordingly. Results: The follow-up response rate was 87.5% with 35 children completing a 12-month follow-up visit. The age range was from 5 to 12 years with a mean of 7.3 ± 2.4 years. More than half of the study sample was boys (63%) in the 5–8 year age-group (69%). The impact on OHRQoL was reportedly negative before FMR under GA, with overall scores ranging from 12 to 68 and a mean of 43.34 ± 14.83. OHRQoL improved significantly in all aspects evaluated (P<0.05) following FMR under GA with overall scores ranging from 4 to 41 and a mean of 18.86 ± 8.54. Conclusions: Treating CSHCN under GA, with 3-month recall visits for the patients, had a significant long-term effect on their OHRQoL extending up to 12 months postoperatively.
Rehabilitation, oral health, quality of life, anesthesia, general, follow-up
Omar El-Meligy,Manal Maashi,Abdullah Al-Mushayt,Abeer Al-Nowaiser,Sultan Al- Mubark. The Effect of Full-Mouth Rehabilitation on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life for Children with Special Health Care Needs. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(1);53-61.
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