Article Type
Special Issue
Autoimmune Neutropenia as a Cause of Periodontal Disease in Preschool Children
1Penn Dental Medicine,the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
*Corresponding Author(s): Evlambia Hajishengallis E-mail: Evlambia@dental.upenn.edu
In autoimmune neutropenia, autoantibodies attack neutrophils resulting in their destruction or alteration of their function. Since neutrophils have important immunologic functions, aberrations in their homeostasis lead to increased susceptibility to diseases, such as periodontitis. Periodontitis as a manifestation of neutropenia can affect adults and children. In this paper, we describe the treatment of periodontal disease in a 2-year-old female with autoimmune neutropenia. The importance of an interdisciplinary approach, frequent recalls, and meticulous mechanical therapy in stabilizing her periodontal condition, despite ongoing systemic infections is emphasized.
periodontal disease, autoimmune neutropenia, children
Evlambia Hajishengallis,Stephanie Rashewsky,Cyelee Kulkarni,Panagiota Stathopoulou. Autoimmune Neutropenia as a Cause of Periodontal Disease in Preschool Children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(1);69-75.
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