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Intraligamentary and Supraperiosteal Anesthesia Efficacy Using a Computer Controlled Delivery System in Mandibular Molars

  • Ülkü Şermet Elbay1
  • Mesut Elbay1,*,
  • Emine Kaya1
  • Ülkem Cilasun1

1Faculty of Dentistry, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-40.3.193 Vol.40,Issue 3,May 2016 pp.193-199

Published: 01 May 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): Mesut Elbay E-mail:


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare pain, efficacy and postoperative complications of anesthesia in first primary mandibular molars anesthetized with either intraligamentary (IL) or supraperiosteal (SP) anesthesia using a computer-controlled delivery system (CCDS). Study design: This randomized, controlled-crossover, blind clinical trial was conducted with 90 children requiring bilateral extraction, pulpotomy or restorative treatment of first mandibular primary molars. A CCDS was used to deliver IL anesthesia to 1 deciduous tooth and SP anesthesia to the contralateral tooth in each patient. Severity of pain and efficacy of anesthesia during the treatments were evaluated using the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (PRS) and comfort and side effects were assessed using post-injection and post-treatment questionnaires. Data were analyzed using χ2 and Mann-Whitney U tests. Results: According to PRS scores, pain levels during extraction were significantly higher with IL when compared to SP. Patients reported significantly less pain during needle insertion with SP when compared to IL; however, rates of postoperative complications were significantly higher with SP when compared to IL. Conclusions: CCDS-administered IL anesthesia and SP anesthesia were similarly effective when used during restorative treatment and pulpotomy of primary mandibular molars; however, SP was more effective than IL when used during extraction procedures.


intraligamentary, supraperiosteal anesthesia, computer-controlled delivery system

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Ülkü Şermet Elbay,Mesut Elbay,Emine Kaya,Ülkem Cilasun. Intraligamentary and Supraperiosteal Anesthesia Efficacy Using a Computer Controlled Delivery System in Mandibular Molars. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(3);193-199.


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