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The Role of Vitamin D Receptor Polymorphisms on Dental Caries

  • Dilsah Cogulu1,*,
  • Huseyin Onay2
  • Yasemin Ozdemir3
  • Gulcin Itirli Aslan4
  • Ferda Ozkinay5
  • Cemal Eronat5

1Ege University, School of Dentistry, Department of Pedodontics, İzmir-Turkey

2Ege University, School of Medicine, Department of Medical Genetics, İzmir-Turkey

3Private Dentist, İzmir-Turkey

4Izmir University, School of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology, İzmir-Turkey

5Ege University, School of Medicine, Department of Medical Genetics, İzmir-Turkey

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-40.3.211 Vol.40,Issue 3,May 2016 pp.211-214

Published: 01 May 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): Dilsah Cogulu E-mail:


Objective: To determine the association between the ApaI, FokI, Cdx2 and TaqI polymorphisms of vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene in caries-active (high-moderate) and caries-free children. Study design: A hundred and fifty children (75 males, 75 females, mean age: 10.19 ± 1.61 years) were included in the study. The subjects were divided into three groups as high caries risk group (DMFT, dft>4)(n=55), moderate caries risk group (DMFT, dft=1–4)(n=57) and caries-free group (n=38). From each individual, blood samples were collected and DNA was extracted. The VDR gene was genotyped for the polymorphisms ApaI, FokI, Cdx2 and TaqI using polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism methods. All data were analyzed by chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and t test. Results: There was statistically significant difference in the frequency of TaqI genotypes (tt) between caries-active and caries-free children (p=0.029). No statistically significant differences were detected between ApaI, FokI, Cdx2 genotypes and dental caries. Conclusion: In the future, VDR gene polymorphisms may be used as a marker for the identification of patients with high caries risk.


Vitamin D receptor, polymorphism, dental caries

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Dilsah Cogulu,Huseyin Onay,Yasemin Ozdemir,Gulcin Itirli Aslan,Ferda Ozkinay,Cemal Eronat. The Role of Vitamin D Receptor Polymorphisms on Dental Caries. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(3);211-214.


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