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Effectiveness of Air Drying and Magnification Methods for Detecting Initial Caries on Occlusal Surfaces Using Three Different Diagnostic Aids

  • Deepti Goel1,*,
  • Meera Sandhu1
  • Pulkit Jhingan1
  • Vinod Sachdev1

1Department, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, ITS – CDSR , Muradnagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-40.3.221 Vol.40,Issue 3,May 2016 pp.221-226

Published: 01 May 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): Deepti Goel E-mail:


Objective-The aim of this study was to assess the effect of magnification and air-drying on detection of carious lesion. Study Design-44 human extracted premolars were selected with sound occlusal surfaces without frank cavitation. The Diagnostic techniques used were Unaided visual examination, Magnifying Loupes (4.2×) and Stereomicroscope (10×, before and after air-drying) and then the teeth were sectioned bucco-lingually and both the surfaces were examined under Stereomicroscope (50×) to assess the presence or absence of carious lesion in the pit and fissures. The scores were compared to obtain Cohen's kappa coefficient (Reproducibility) and subjected to the Friedman Test and Paired t test. Sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value used to assess accuracy. Results-On Statistical analysis, visual examination before and after air drying had highest specificity but lowest sensitivity compared to different diagnostic techniques. Magnifying loupes after air-drying had highest sensitivity and lowest specificity compared to other diagnostic techniques. Conclusion-Air drying combined with magnifying aids are cost-effective, reliable method for detection of early carious lesion. If used in pediatric clinical practice, any undesirable pain and discomfort to the patient due to invasive procedures and helps in employing preventive measures.


Stereomicroscope, Magnifying Loupes, Unaided visual examination, Cohen’s Kappa Test, Paired t-test.

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Deepti Goel,Meera Sandhu,Pulkit Jhingan,Vinod Sachdev. Effectiveness of Air Drying and Magnification Methods for Detecting Initial Caries on Occlusal Surfaces Using Three Different Diagnostic Aids. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(3);221-226.


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