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Intra Operative Use of Anti Emetic Drugs for Children Undergoing Full Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia. A Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial

  • Hisham Y El Batawi1,*,
  • Ahmed A Shorrab2

1Paediatric dentistry University of Sharjah, UAE

2University Hospital Sharjah, UAE

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-40.3.235 Vol.40,Issue 3,May 2016 pp.235-240

Published: 01 May 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): Hisham Y El Batawi E-mail:


Background: Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) is a common complication following dental treatment under general anesthesia (DGA) that may lead to unplanned hospitalization, increased costs and dissatisfaction of parents. Aim: To investigate the incidence of Postoperative Vomiting (POV) on children who underwent dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia and to compare possible preventive effect of Dexamethasone and Ondansetron on occurrences of POV. Study design: A double blind randomized parallel clinical trial was carried out on 352 ASA I children who underwent DGA in a private Saudi hospital in Jeddah. Children were allocated randomly to four groups. Group D of 91 children, received Dexamethasone PONV prophylaxis, group O of 87 children received Ondansetron, group DO of 93 children received combination of the two drugs and group C the control group of 81 children. The three groups were investigated by blinded dental staff for POV episodes, number of times analgesia was needed and post anesthesia care unit time (PACUT). Results: There was a no significant difference between the two drugs on POV. There was a significant difference in POV between control group and groups D, O, and DO. There was significant reduction in need for analgesia in the Dexamethasone groups. The three groups, which had PONV prophylaxis, showed significant reduction in PACUT compared to control group. Conclusions: Antiemetic drugs are useful adjuncts in DGA. Some dental procedures may have higher emetic potential than others. The type of dental procedures done is to be considered when deciding the drug profile in children undergoing DGA.

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Hisham Y El Batawi,Ahmed A Shorrab. Intra Operative Use of Anti Emetic Drugs for Children Undergoing Full Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia. A Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(3);235-240.


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