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Evaluation of Buccal Infiltration with Articaine and Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block with Lignocaine for Pulp Therapy in Mandibular Primary Molars

  • Radhika Chopra1,*,
  • Mohita Marwaha1
  • Kalpana Bansal1
  • Meenu Mittal1

1From the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentitry, ITS Centre for Dental Studies & Research, Ghaziabad-201206, India.

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-40.4.301 Vol.40,Issue 4,July 2016 pp.301-305

Published: 01 July 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): Radhika Chopra E-mail:


Failure of inferior alveolar nerve block in achieving profound anesthesia of the pulp due to various reasons has led to the introduction of more potent local anesthetic agents like articaine. This study was conducted to compare the efficacy of buccal infiltration with articaine in achieving pulpal anesthesia of primary molars as compared to inferior alveolar nerve block with lignocaine. Study design: 30 patients (4-8 years) with indication of pulp therapy in at least two mandibular primary molars were selected. Patients were randomly assigned to receive nerve block with lignocaine or infiltration with articaine on first appointment and the other solution on second appointment. All the pulpotomies and pulpectomies were performed by a pediatric dentist. Two researchers standing at a distance of 1.5 m recorded the Pain Scores and Sound, Eye, Motor (SEM) scores. After the completion of procedure, the patient was asked to record the Facial Image score and Heft-Parker Visual Analogue Score (HP-VAS). Results: Pain Score recorded at the time of injection showed significantly more movements with block as compared to infiltration (p<0.001). SEM scores at time of pulp extirpation were also higher for block than infiltration (p<0.001). Conclusion: Articaine infiltration has the potential to replace inferior alveolar nerve block for primary mandibular molars.


articaine, buccal infiltration, primary molars

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Radhika Chopra,Mohita Marwaha,Kalpana Bansal,Meenu Mittal. Evaluation of Buccal Infiltration with Articaine and Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block with Lignocaine for Pulp Therapy in Mandibular Primary Molars. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(4);301-305.


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