Article Type
Special Issue
Anterior Open Bite In 27 Months Old Children after Use of a Novel Pacifier – A Cohort Study
1Dental School, Faculty of Health, Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany.
*Corresponding Author(s): Stefan Zimmer E-mail: stefan.zimmer@uni-wh.de
The aim of the present cohort study was to evaluate the influence of a novel pacifier on the first formation of malocclusion, the anterior open bite in children. Study design: 129 newborn children whose parents had decided to use pacifiers were randomly attributed to two experimental groups (D=Dentistar, n=56, Novatex, Pattensen, Germany; N=NUK, n=73, Mapa, Zeven, Germany). Children (n=42) who did not use a pacifier were not randomized and served as reference (C). Primary outcome was the presence of anterior open bite. It was hypothesized that D would result in lower incidence when compared to N. At the age of 27 months the children were examined with respect to anterior open bite. Fisher’s exact test served to detect significant differences between groups D and N (SPSS 22.0). Results: 121 children with a mean age of 26.7 months were included in the final analysis (D: n=45; N: n=42; C: n=34). In group D three children (6.7%) showed an anterior open bite. The respective values were 21 (50.0%) for N and 0 for C. The results for group D compared to N were significantly different (chi²-test, p<0.001). Conclusion: In comparison to a commonly used pacifier the novel one causes significantly less anterior open bites.
pacifier, malocclusion, open bite
Stefan Zimmer,Hanna Zuralski,Mozhgan Bizhang,Thomas Ostermann,Claudia R Barthel. Anterior Open Bite In 27 Months Old Children after Use of a Novel Pacifier – A Cohort Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(4);328-333.
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