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Case Reports

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Regenerative Endodontic Treatment versus Apical Plug in Immature Teeth: Three-Year Follow-Up

  • Saeed Asgary1
  • Mahta Fazlyab1,*,
  • Ali Nosrat1

1From Iranian Center For Endodontic Research, Research Institute of Dental Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-40.5.356 Vol.40,Issue 5,September 2016 pp.356-360

Published: 01 September 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): Mahta Fazlyab E-mail:


This report compares and evaluates the treatment outcomes of regenerative endodontic treatment and apical plug as two accepted treatment protocols in a pair of necrotic immature maxillary central incisors of a 12- year old female. The patient was referred complaining of a dull pain and swelling in her upper lip area. She had a history of trauma to the anterior maxilla two years earlier. Both teeth were clinically diagnosed with pulp necrosis and periapical radiographs revealed that separate periapical radiolucent lesions surrounded the immature apices of both teeth. The left and right incisors were treated with apical plug and regenerative endodontic treatment, respectively, using calcium-enriched mixture (CEM) cement. The patient was followed-up for three years. During this period, both teeth were clinically asymptomatic and showed complete radiographic healing of the periapical lesions. The right central incisor showed root development. No tooth discoloration was evident. Apexification by apical plug placement and pulp regeneration are both reliable treatments for immature non-vital teeth. In order to choose the right treatment the advantages of either technique should be weighed against its drawbacks. CEM cement can be successfully applied for both purposes. This biomaterial causes less discoloration of the tooth.


Calcium-Enriched Mixture, Pulp, Revascularization, Regeneration

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Saeed Asgary,Mahta Fazlyab,Ali Nosrat. Regenerative Endodontic Treatment versus Apical Plug in Immature Teeth: Three-Year Follow-Up. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(5);356-360.


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