Article Type
Special Issue
Visual Schedule System in Dental Care for Patients with Autism: A Pilot Study
1Mental Health Bldg, BC Children’s Hopsital 4500 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC.
DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-40.5.393 Vol.40,Issue 5,September 2016 pp.393-399
Published: 01 September 2016
*Corresponding Author(s): Janet WT Mah E-mail: jmah@cfri.ca
A pilot study to test whether a visual schedule system using picture communication symbols can help children with autism have successful routine dental cleaning visits. Study Design: 14 boys with autism between three- to eight-years-old presented to the dental clinic for four weekly consecutive dental appointments. Patients were randomly assigned to either the control group who received the tell-showdo method (i.e., standard of care), or the test group who received the tell-show-do method plus the visual schedule system. Results: Patients in the test group completed an average of 1.38 more steps, at 35.52 seconds per step faster, and with 18.7% lower levels of behavioral distress than those in the control group. Conclusion: The use of a visual schedule system, along with repeated weekly visits, showed some promise in helping children with autism successfully complete more steps, progress at a quicker rate, and exhibit lower levels of behavioral distress within a dental appointment, compared to a traditional tell-show-do approach.
Autism, Visual Pedagogy, Dentistry, Electrodermal Activity.
Janet WT Mah,Phoebe Tsang. Visual Schedule System in Dental Care for Patients with Autism: A Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(5);393-399.
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