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Comparison of CPP-ACP, Tri-Calcium Phosphate and Hydroxyapatite on Remineralization of Artificial Caries Like Lesions on Primary Enamel -An in vitro Study

  • Meghna Bajaj1,*,
  • Poornima P1
  • Praveen S1
  • Nagaveni NB1
  • Roopa KB1
  • Neena IE1
  • Bharath KP1

1From the College of Dental Sciences, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry,Karnataka, India.

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-40.5.404 Vol.40,Issue 5,September 2016 pp.404-409

Published: 01 September 2016

*Corresponding Author(s): Meghna Bajaj E-mail:


To compare CPP-ACP, Tri-calcium phosphate and Hydroxyapatite on remineralization of artificial caries like lesions on primary enamel. Study design: Ten extracted Primary molars coated with nail varnish, leaving a window of 2x4 mm on buccal and lingual surface were immersed in demineralizing solution for 96 hours and sectioned longitudinally to obtain 40 sections (4 sections per tooth) and were randomly divided into 4 groups (A to D) n=10; Group A: negative control, Group B: CPP-ACP, Group C: Tri-calcium phosphate, Group D: Hydroxyapatite. Sections were subjected to pH cycling for 10 days and were evaluated by polarized light microscope before and after treatment. Results: Intra group comparison of demineralization and remineralization was done by paired t-test. One way ANOVA was used for multiple group comparisons followed by post HOC TUKEY’S Test for group wise comparisons. Remineralization was found more with Group D followed by Group B, C and A. Conclusion: Hydroxyapatite showed better remineralization when compared to CPP-ACP and Tri-calcium phosphate.


CPP-ACP, Demineralization, Hydroxyapatite, Polarized light microscopy, Remineralization, TriCalcium phosphate.

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Meghna Bajaj,Poornima P,Praveen S,Nagaveni NB, Roopa KB,Neena IE,Bharath KP. Comparison of CPP-ACP, Tri-Calcium Phosphate and Hydroxyapatite on Remineralization of Artificial Caries Like Lesions on Primary Enamel -An in vitro Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2016. 40(5);404-409.


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