Article Type
Special Issue
Microleakage Evaluation of Composite Restorations Following Papain-Based Chemo-Mechanical Caries Removal in Primary Teeth
1Ministry of Health, Alexandria, Egypt
2Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University, Egypt
3College of Dentistry, Princess Nora bint Abdulrahman University, Saudi Arabia
4Faculty of Dentistry, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding Author(s): Omar El Meligy E-mail: omeligy@kau.edu.sa
Aim: To evaluate the microleakage of composite restorations following Papain-based chemo-mechanical caries removal compared to the conventional drilling method. The characteristic of the hybrid layer was also studied using scanning electron microscopy. Study design: The sample included thirty freshly extracted and exfoliated primary molars with open proximal carious dentin lesions. Teeth were divided into two equal groups, according to method of caries removal. Following caries removal, cavity preparations were restored with composite resin. After thermocycling, teeth were sealed apically and coated with nail polish except the surface of restorations and the surrounding 1mm. Teeth were immersed in basic fuschin dye solution, then they were sectioned mesiodistally. The extent of dye penetration was detected using a light stereomicroscope. After microleakage test, the resin/dentin interface was examined using scanning electron microscopy. Results: There was no significant difference in the degree of leakage between both groups. In the Papacarie group, longer and numerous resin tags were observed with statistically significant thicker hybrid layer than those following the drilling method. However, there was no significant difference between the diameters of resin tags of both groups. Conclusions: Papacarie does not adversely affect the microleakage of composite restorations and provides a suitable surface for bonding.
Chemo-mechanical Caries Removal, Primary Teeth, Papain gel
Marwa Abdel Hafez,Mona Elkateb,Sonia El Shabrawy,Amel Mahmoud,Omar El Meligy. Microleakage Evaluation of Composite Restorations Following Papain-Based Chemo-Mechanical Caries Removal in Primary Teeth. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2017. 41(1);53-61.
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