Article Type
Special Issue
Does Addition of Propolis to Glass Ionomer Cement Alter its Physicomechanical Properties? An In Vitro Study
1Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, The Oxford Dental College, Hospital and Research CentreKarnataka, India
*Corresponding Author(s): Subramaniam E-mail: drpriyapedo@yahoo.com
Propolis is a natural resinous substance produced by honey bees. The antimicrobial effects of glass ionomer cement have been shown to improve with the addition of propolis; however its effect on the physicomechanical properties of the cement is not known. Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the compressive strength and solubility of conventional restorative glass ionomer cement following the addition of propolis. Study design: Twenty half cylindrical samples were prepared with conventional restorative glass ionomer cement formed the control group. Another twenty samples were prepared with propolis added to conventional restorative glass ionomer cement formed the experimental group. The compressive strength was assessed using universal testing machine. To assess solubility, the samples were immersed in deionised water at room temperature, for 7 days. The solubility was measured as a difference in the weight of the sample; prior to immersion and following immersion at the end of each day. Results: The control group had a significantly higher mean compressive strength of 146.26 Mpa as compared to the experimental group (135.06 Mpa). The solubility between the groups was significant. Conclusion: In comparison to the control group, incorporation of propolis to conventional restorative glass ionomer cement decreased the compressive strength significantly. The solubility of the cement in the experimental group increased significantly over 7day period as compared to the control group.
glass ionomer cement, propolis, compressive strength, solubility
Subramaniam,Girish Babu KL,Neeraja G,Pillai S. Does Addition of Propolis to Glass Ionomer Cement Alter its Physicomechanical Properties? An In Vitro Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2017. 41(1);62-65.
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