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Fundamentals in Biostatistics for Investigation in Pediatric Dentistry: Part II –Biostatistical Methods

  • Amaury Pozos-Guillén1,*,
  • Socorro Ruiz-Rodríguez1
  • Arturo Garrocho-Rangel1

1Faculty of Dentistry, San Luis Potosi University, San Luis Potosí, SLP, México

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-41.3.173 Vol.41,Issue 3,May 2017 pp.173-178

Published: 01 May 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): Amaury Pozos-Guillén E-mail:


The main purpose of the second part of this series was to provide the reader with some basic aspects of the most common biostatistical methods employed in health sciences, in order to better understand the validity, significance and reliability of the results from any article on Pediatric Dentistry. Currently, as mentioned in the first paper, Pediatric Dentists need basic biostatistical knowledge to be able to apply it when critically appraise a dental article during the Evidence-based Dentistry (EBD) process, or when participating in the development of a clinical study with dental pediatric patients. The EBD process provides a systematic approach of collecting, review and analyze current and relevant published evidence about oral health care in order to answer a particular clinical question; then this evidence should be applied in everyday practice.

This second report describes the most commonly used statistical methods for analyzing and interpret collected data, and the methodological criteria to be considered when choosing the most appropriate tests for a specific study. These are available to Pediatric Dentistry practicants interested in reading or designing original clinical or epidemiological studies.


Evidence-based Dentistry, Biostatistics, Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Research

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Amaury Pozos-Guillén,Socorro Ruiz-Rodríguez,Arturo Garrocho-Rangel. Fundamentals in Biostatistics for Investigation in Pediatric Dentistry: Part II –Biostatistical Methods. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2017. 41(3);173-178.


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