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Sleep Bruxism and Anxiety Impacts in Quality of Life Related to Oral Health of Brazilian Children and their Families

  • Nashalie Andrade de Alencar1
  • Cecília Sued Leão1
  • Anna Thereza Thomé Leão1
  • Ronir Raggio Luiz1
  • Andréa Fonseca-Gonçalves1
  • Lucianne Cople Maia1,*,

1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-41.3.179 Vol.41,Issue 3,May 2017 pp.179-185

Published: 01 May 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): Lucianne Cople Maia E-mail:


Objective: This study aimed to assess the impact of parent reported sleep bruxism, trait anxiety and sociodemographic/socioeconomic features on quality of life related to oral health (OHRQoL) of children and their families. Study Design: Healthy children aged 3–7 years, with (n=34) and without (n=32) bruxism were select for this study. Data was collected by applying the following instruments: The Early Childhood Oral Health Scale (B-ECOHIS) and Trait-anxiety Scale (TAS). The sociodemographic/socioeconomic characteristics were obtained by interviews with parents. Multiple logistic regression tests were performed to observe the influence of sociodemographic/socioeconomic characteristics, bruxism and trait-anxiety on the children's OHRQoL. Results: No association between sleep bruxism and all evaluated sociodemographic/socioeconomic conditions, with exception of being the only child (p=0.029), were observed. Mean B-ECOHIS and TAS scores were different (p<0.05) between children with (3.41 ± 4.87; 45.09 ± 15.46, respectively) and without (0.63 ± 1.28; 29.53 ± 11.82, respectively) bruxism. Although an association between bruxism and OHRQoL (p=0.015) was observed, it was dropped (p=0.336; OR=1.77) in the logistic regression model. Trait anxiety was the variable responsible for the impact on the OHRQoL of children (p=0.012; OR=1.05). Conclusion: Our results indicated anxiety as the main factor that interfered in the OHRQoL of children with sleep bruxism


Children, Sleep Bruxism, Anxiety, Quality of Life

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Nashalie Andrade de Alencar,Cecília Sued Leão,Anna Thereza Thomé Leão,Ronir Raggio Luiz,Andréa Fonseca-Gonçalves,Lucianne Cople Maia. Sleep Bruxism and Anxiety Impacts in Quality of Life Related to Oral Health of Brazilian Children and their Families. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2017. 41(3);179-185.


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