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Case Reports

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Intentional Replantation of an Immature Incisor with a Transverse Root Fracture and Endo-Perio Condition: 4 Year Follow-Up

  • Atsushi Oishi1,*,

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry Division of Oral Health Sciences Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Tokyo edical and Dental University. 1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8549, Japan

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-41.3.187 Vol.41,Issue 3,May 2017 pp.187-192

Published: 01 May 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): Atsushi Oishi E-mail:


This case report describes the importance of continual examination for dental trauma and the efficacy of intentional replantation with retrograde root canal filling for a transverse root fracture in an immature incisor accompanied by subsequent periodontal-endodontic disease. In the treatment of traumatically fractured roots in immature incisors, continual examination is indispensable for the final diagnosis because roots in immature teeth are less calcified, resulting in less detailed radiological examinations. Thus, common dental trauma complications such as pulp necrosis may appear months after the initial examination. Endodontic treatment for transverse root fracture is mainly determined according to radiographic examination findings; for fractured immature roots, apexification with calcium hydroxide of the coronal fragment is generally applied. However, this method requires removal of considerable amounts of enamel and dentin to allow access to the cavity for preparation, which may increase the risk of future fractures. In contrast, intentional replantation with retrograde root canal filling does not require the removal or long-term application of calcium hydroxide. However, it requires careful extraction of the tooth, maintenance of root wetness during the extraoral procedure, rigid splinting, and oral hygiene control. Management of tooth mobility is also important in the post-replantation course.


Immature incisor, Root fracture, Replantation, Retrograde root canal filling

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Atsushi Oishi. Intentional Replantation of an Immature Incisor with a Transverse Root Fracture and Endo-Perio Condition: 4 Year Follow-Up. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2017. 41(3);187-192.


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