Article Type
Special Issue
Eva Vacuum-Formed Alternative Splinting of Alveolar Fractures in Primary Dentition: A Case Report
1Private Paediatric Dental Clinic, Papadiamantopoulou 2, 11528 Athens, Greece.
DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-41.5.327 Vol.41,Issue 5,September 2017 pp.327-331
Published: 01 September 2017
*Corresponding Author(s): Nick A Lygidakis E-mail: lygidakis@ath.forthnet.gr
Alveolar fractures treatment includes repositioning of displaced segments and splinting. In children, splinting procedures may occasionally present clinical problems resulting from fewer teeth available for splinting or presence of occlusal disturbances. An alternative clinical approach for splinting in alveolar fractures of primary dentition is described. Clinical case: A 4.5-year-old girl was referred to our clinic 8 hours after a fall accident. Clinical examination revealed mandibular alveolar process segmental fracture in the right canine area with frontal dislodgement of the labial cortical bone resulting to occluding inability. The area was anaesthetized, cleaned and the dislodged bone was manually repositioned, followed by an EVA copolymer splint for fixation as a result of patient’s deep bite impeding regular wire-composite splint. The cap splint that was fabricated on a cast made after an alginate impression, was set on the mandibular dentition and immobilized in the primary molars with acid-etch adhesive and flowable resin composite. Following splint removal after 4 weeks and follow-up visits, successful healing was observed clinically and radiographically with no pathological signs and symptoms. Conclusion: The described alternative splinting method in alveolar fractures of primary dentition is a valuable clinical tool for peediatric dentists, easily accepted by children in cases where regular splinting methods cannot be used.
alveolar fractures, primary dentition, splinting, vacuum formed, EVA
Konstantina Chatzidimitriou,Nikos N Lygidakis,Nick A Lygidakis. Eva Vacuum-Formed Alternative Splinting of Alveolar Fractures in Primary Dentition: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2017. 41(5);327-331.
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