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Effect of Sedation with Midazolam and Time to Discharge among Pediatric Dental Patients

  • Sigalit Blumer1,*,
  • Benjamin Peretz1
  • Gali Zisman1
  • Tal Ratson1

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, The Maurice and Gabriela Goldscleger School of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-41.5.384 Vol.41,Issue 5,September 2017 pp.384-387

Published: 01 September 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): Sigalit Blumer E-mail:


The aim of this study was to examine the recovery time of children who underwent conscious sedation with oral or rectal midazolam. Study design: The medical files in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of all the children who underwent conscious sedation with midazolam between 3/2013-4/2016 were examined. The total duration of sedation and time to discharge were calculated. Descriptions of the children’s behavior before and during sedation were compared. Results: The files of 120 children were retrieved. They included 64 girls, mean (± standard deviation) age 5.7 ± 2.67 years and 56 boys, mean age 4.9 ±1.06 years. The mean weight for the entire cohort was 18.7 ± 5.2 kg. Eighty-one children (67.5%) received oral sedation and 39 (32.5%) received rectal sedation. The mean total duration of sedation was 105 ± 26 min, and the mean time to discharge after treatment was 55:17 ± 22:30 min. A hundred and seven children exhibited positive behavior before undergoing sedation, but the behavior deteriorated during sedation in 36 cases. Conclusion: The time to discharge post-midazolam sedation correlated to the child’s age and weight and total amount of administered midazolam. Sedation negatively affected behavior in 43.6% of the cases.


sedation, midazolam, time to recovery, behavior

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Sigalit Blumer,Benjamin Peretz,Gali Zisman,Tal Ratson. Effect of Sedation with Midazolam and Time to Discharge among Pediatric Dental Patients. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2017. 41(5);384-387.


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