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Development of a Web-Based Nationwide Korean Pediatric Dental Sedation Registry

  • Sung Chul Choi1
  • Yeonmi Yang1
  • Seunghoon Yoo1
  • Jiyeon Kim1
  • Taesung Jeong1
  • Teo Jeon Shin1,*,

1the Committee on Sedation, Education and Research, Korea Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Seoul, Korea.

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-41.6.11 Vol.41,Issue 6,November 2017 pp.478-481

Published: 01 November 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): Teo Jeon Shin E-mail:


Finding a balance between sedation efficacy and safety remains an ongoing challenge. In children, the risk of sedation-related complications is relatively high. It is of utmost importance to determine the factors related to improved overall sedation outcomes. However, most previous reports have been based on small samples at single institutions. The Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (KAPD) developed a Korean Pediatric Dental Sedation Registry using a web-based platform. Study design: Specialists in pediatric dental sedation selected the itemized list included within the registry through an extensive literature review. The web-based registry was built into the KAPD homepage to facilitate easy access to the sedation data. All teaching and university hospitals agreed to participate in the Korean Pediatric Dental Sedation Registry. Conclusion: This is the first attempt to collect sedation data on a nationwide scale in the field of pediatric dentistry. The sedation database established with the registry may facilitate standardizing and improving pediatric dental sedation clinical practices.


Anesthesia, Dental; Conscious Sedation; Database; Dental Anxiety; Pediatric Dentistry; Registries

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Sung Chul Choi,Yeonmi Yang,Seunghoon Yoo, Jiyeon Kim,Taesung Jeong,Teo Jeon Shin. Development of a Web-Based Nationwide Korean Pediatric Dental Sedation Registry. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2017. 41(6);478-481.


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