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Systematic reviews

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Effectiveness of Biology-Based Methods for Inhibiting Orthodontic Tooth Movement. A Systematic Review

  • Cadenas de Llano-Pérula M1
  • Yañez-Vico RM2
  • Solano-Reina E2
  • Palma-Fernandez JC3
  • Iglesias-Linares A3,*,

1Department of Oral Health Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium

2,Department of Stomatology. University of Seville. Seville. Spain

3,Complutense University of Madrid. Madrid. Spain.

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-41.6.14 Vol.41,Issue 6,November 2017 pp.494-502

Published: 01 November 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): Iglesias-Linares A E-mail:


Several experimental studies in the literature have tested different biology-based methods for inhibiting or decreasing orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) in humans. This systematic review investigated the effects of these interventions on the rate of tooth movement. Study design: Electronic [MedLine; SCOPUS; Cochrane Library; OpenGrey;Web of Science] and manual searches were conducted up to January 26th, 2016 in order to identify publications of clinical trials that compared the decreasing or inhibiting effects of different biology-based methods over OTM in humans. A primary outcome (rate of OTM deceleration/ inhibition) and a number of secondary outcomes were examined (clinical applicability, orthodontic force used, possible side effects). Two reviewers selected the studies complying with the eligibility criteria (PICO format) and assessed risk of bias [Cochrane Collaboration’s tool]. Data collection and analysis were performed following the Cochrane recommendations. Results: From the initial electronic search, 3726 articles were retrieved and 5 studies were finally included. Two types of biology-based techniques used to reduce the rate of OTM in humans were described: pharmacological and low-level laser therapy. In the first group, human Relaxin was compared to a placebo and administered orally. It was described as having no effect on the inhibition of OTM in humans after 32 days, while the drug tenoxicam, injected locally, inhibited the rate of OTM by up to 10% in humans after 42 days. In the second group, no statistically significant differences were reported, compared to placebo, for the rate of inhibition of OTM in humans after 90 days of observation when a 860 nm continuous wave GaAlA slow-level laser was used. Conclusions: The currently available data do not allow us to draw definitive conclusions about the use of various pharmacological substances and biology-based therapies in humans able to inhibit or decrease the OTM rate. There is an urgent need for more sound well-designed randomized clinical trials in the field.


OTM, decrease, inhibition, biology-based techniques, systematic review, humans, low-level laser therapy, medication.

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Cadenas de Llano-Pérula M,Yañez-Vico RM,Solano-Reina E,Palma-Fernandez JC,Iglesias-Linares A. Effectiveness of Biology-Based Methods for Inhibiting Orthodontic Tooth Movement. A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2017. 41(6);494-502.


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