Article Type
Special Issue
Direct Pulp Capping in Primary Molars using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: An in Vivo Study
1the Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland.
*Corresponding Author(s): Elzbieta Luczaj-Cepowicz E-mail: elzbieta.luczaj-cepowicz@umb.edu.pl
To do a clinical and radiographic evaluation of the effectiveness of MTA when used as a direct pulp capping material in primary molars. Study design: Clinical and radiographic follow-up was performed on 30 primary molars with deep caries lesions in 30 patients from 3 to 9.75 years of age. Pulps exposed during cavity preparation were treated by direct pulp capping with MTA. The follow-up clinical and radiographic examinations were carried out at different time intervals: 6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-24, and >24 months after treatment. Results: Twenty-four teeth were evaluated during the entire observation period. Positive clinical and radiographic outcomes were achieved in 19 teeth (13 teeth were saved and 6 were exfoliated). In five teeth, complications were observed only in children under 7 years old. Conclusion: Based on these clinical and radiographic results, MTA was found to be successful when used as a direct pulp capping material in primary teeth.
Direct pulp capping, mineral trioxide aggregate, primary molars.
Elzbieta Luczaj-Cepowicz,Grazyna Marczuk-Kolada,Malgorzata Pawinska,Marta Obidzinska. Direct Pulp Capping in Primary Molars using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: An in Vivo Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2017. 41(6);446-449.
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