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Guiding the Child’s Teeth with Class III Dental Malocclusion into Correct Occlusion: A Clinician’s Parenting

  • Kapur A1,*,
  • Chawla HS1
  • Utreja A1
  • Goyal A1

1Oral Health Sciences Centre Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-42.1.13 Vol.42,Issue 1,January 2018 pp.72-78

Published: 01 January 2018

*Corresponding Author(s): Kapur A E-mail:


Pediatric dentists are often the first ones to be consulted for the presence of an anterior cross bite in the primary dentition. The condition requires an early interception to avoid progressive dentoalveolar and skeletal changes. The management, however, poses unique challenges in terms of young age of the child, correct choice of appliance and unpredictability of the response to treatment due to inability to ascertain the inherent growth potential. It is very important therefore for the specialist, to be able to recognize the early signs of a developing class III malocclusion tendency and also know the basic details of successful management of such cases. The following article describes the appropriateness of appliance choice for a case of incisor cross bite in primary dentition using different appliances based on their varied clinical presentations.


Primary anterior cross bite, management options

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Kapur A,Chawla HS,Utreja A,Goyal A. Guiding the Child’s Teeth with Class III Dental Malocclusion into Correct Occlusion: A Clinician’s Parenting. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2018. 42(1);72-78.


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