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Case Reports

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The Effect of MMP-13, MMP-12, and AMBN on Gingival Enlargement and Root Deformation In a New Type of Gingival Fibromatosis

  • Chung-Min Kang1
  • Jae-Ho Lee1
  • Mijeong Jeon2
  • Je Seon Song1
  • Seong-Oh Kim1,*,

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Oral Science Research Center, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

2Oral Science Research Center, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-42.1.9 Vol.42,Issue 1,January 2018 pp.50-54

Published: 01 January 2018

*Corresponding Author(s): Seong-Oh Kim E-mail:


This case compared gene-expression between a new type of idiopathic gingival fibromatosis (IGF) and normal gingiva, to clarify the nature of the gingival overgrowth and dental anomaly. A 6-year-old girl with generalized gingival overgrowth and root deformations was diagnosed with IGF. Gene expression profiles were compared between normal gingiva (N=9) and one IGF gingiva using cDNA microarray. Genes related to regulation of cell proliferation and proteolytic degradation were expressed strongly in IGF. MMP-13 and MMP-12 expression were 120 times and 96 times lower in IGF, respectively, whereas AMBN expression was 79 times higher. RT-PCR and immunohistochemical staining supported the microarray results. Reduced proteolytic activity due to low MMP-13 and MMP-12 expression appears to be a potential mechanism for gingival overgrowth. Genetic investigations, such as expression levels of MMP-13, MMP-12, and AMBN, may enable classification of a new syndrome characterized by gingival enlargement with abnormal root development.


gingival fibromatosis; cDNA microarray; gingival overgrowth; MMP-13; MMP-12; ameloblastin

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Chung-Min Kang,Jae-Ho Lee,Mijeong Jeon,Je Seon Song,Seong-Oh Kim. The Effect of MMP-13, MMP-12, and AMBN on Gingival Enlargement and Root Deformation In a New Type of Gingival Fibromatosis. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2018. 42(1);50-54.


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