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Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of EndoVac and Conventional Irrigating Systems in Primary Molars – An in Vitro Study

  • Nilaya Reddy Venumbaka1
  • Porselvi Baskaran1
  • Jayanthi Mungara1
  • Madhan Chenchugopal1,*,
  • Arun Elangovan2
  • Poornima Vijayakumar1

1Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Ragas Dental College and Hospital

2Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Madha Dental College and Hospital, Kundrathur

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-42.2.10 Vol.42,Issue 2,March 2018 pp.140-145

Published: 01 March 2018

*Corresponding Author(s): Madhan Chenchugopal E-mail:


Objective: The present study was undertaken to evaluate and compare the apical extrusion of irrigant and depth of irrigant penetration into the dentinal tubules using the EndoVac irrigating system and the manual irrigation system in primary molar teeth. Study design: Twenty five extracted primary molars satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria were divided into two groups of 29 roots in each group with an equal distribution of apical foramen area. The teeth were mounted in pre-weighed glass bottles and the canals were irrigated with both the irrigating systems using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution mixed with acid fuchsin which enables the irrigating solution to penetrate efficiently into the dentinal tubules. The amount of irrigant extruded was recorded. The roots were sectioned at 2mm, 4mm and 6mm from the apex and examine the depth of irrigant penetration into the dentinal tubules under a stereomicroscope. Results: Apical extrusion of the irrigant was significantly less with the EndoVac system (1.18±1.04gms) when compared to manual irrigation system (2.3±1.55gms) (P<0.05). EndoVac irrigation system showed greater depth of irrigant penetration into the dentinal tubules (49.90±17.52mm, 32.17±12.20mm and 15.70±8.91mm) compared to the manual irrigation system (30.48±16.27mm, 14.74±9.67mm and 5.59±7.09mm) at 6mm, 4mm and 2mm respectively (P<0.05). Results showed that the depth of irrigant penetration into the dentinal tubules with both the irrigating systems was found to be significantly greater in the six mm sections compared to the four mm and two mm sections (P<0.05). Conclusion: The EndoVac irrigation system showed significantly greater efficacy compared to the manual irrigation system in primary molars with less amount of irrigant extrusion and better depth of irrigant penetration into the dentinal tubules.


EndoVac Apical extrusion, irrigating syringe, irrigant penetration.

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Nilaya Reddy Venumbaka,Porselvi Baskaran,Jayanthi Mungara,Madhan Chenchugopal,Arun Elangovan,Poornima Vijayakumar. Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of EndoVac and Conventional Irrigating Systems in Primary Molars – An in Vitro Study. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2018. 42(2);140-145.


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