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Radiographic Description of the Distribution of Aggressive Periodontitis in Primary Teeth

  • Enrique Bimstein1,*,

1,University of Kentucky College of Dentistry

DOI: 10.17796/1053-4628-42.2.2 Vol.42,Issue 2,March 2018 pp.91-94

Published: 01 March 2018

*Corresponding Author(s): Enrique Bimstein E-mail:


Objective: To describe the prevalence by site and tooth of aggressive periodontists (AP) in primary teeth of children with AP, that will facilitate the early diagnosis of AP.

Study design: Radiographic evidence of AP by tooth and site of primary teeth of 29 children with AP was analyzed by gender, ethnicity, type of dentition (primary or mixed), alveolar bone site and type of tooth. Results: The range and mean ± standard error of number of sites and teeth per patient with AP were 4 to 28, 13.1±1.2 and 4 to 12, 8.3±0.5 respectively. The differences in prevalence of AP by gender, ethnicity, dentition and homologous sites at both sides of the mouth were not statistically significant (Chi square). AP was mostly diagnosed at the distal area of the maxillary canine, the proximal areas of the first maxillary primary molars, and the distal area of the mandibular first primary molar. The most affected teeth with AP were the first primary molars followed by the maxillary cuspid, and the second molars. Conclusions: Examination of children's primary teeth should include abnormal mobility, when found it should be followed by radiographic evaluation for the presence of AP, taking in consideration the present findings.


diagnosis, aggressive periodontitis, primary dentition

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Enrique Bimstein. Radiographic Description of the Distribution of Aggressive Periodontitis in Primary Teeth. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2018. 42(2);91-94.


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