Article Type
Special Issue
Clinical Characteristics of Localized Aggressive Periodontitis in Primary Dentition
1College of Dentistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
*Corresponding Author(s): Luciana M
Shaddox E-mail: lshaddox@dental.ufl.edu
Objectives: Due to the low prevalence of localized aggressive periodontitis (LAP), clinical characteristics of LAP in primary dentition are derived from a few case reports/series in the literature. The goal of this study was to determine common clinical characteristics such as bone and root resorption patterns, in a series of cases with LAP in primary dentition. We hypothesize these cases present aggressive periodontal bone destruction starting mostly around first primary molars and atypical root resorption patterns. Study Design: We have evaluated 33 LAP cases in primary dentition for pattern of bone destruction, root resorption and early exfoliation. Results: Cases evaluated were aged 5–12 (mean=8.7 years). Thirty cases presented more severe bone loss on first than second molars, with relatively fast progression to second molars, altered pattern of root resorption, mostly external (n=16) and early exfoliation of primary teeth due to periodontal bone loss, rather than physiologic root resorption (n=11). Conclusions: This study showed common clinical characteristics found in LAP in primary molars, including possible initiation on first primary molars and abnormal root resorption patterns. These characteristics are important to be early identified and treated in order to prevent possible progression into the permanent dentition.
localized aggressive periodontitis, atypical resorption, primary molars
Karina Miller,TinaTreloar,Marcio Guelmann,Wellington J. Rody Jr,Luciana M Shaddox. Clinical Characteristics of Localized Aggressive Periodontitis in Primary Dentition. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2018. 42(2);95-102.
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